According to Jakob Neilson’s the probability of getting
comment on your blog post is only 0.01 and in percentage its 1%. Means out of
100 visitors of your blog only 1 reader dare to post comment on your website.
And 90 percent of your blog visitors are Lurker means they didn't take interest
in any type of contribution like Subscribing, following, Liking, etc. they just
read your articles, took information and stuff and just go away.
So, let’s take a start and see what 10 tricks and tips left
which I didn’t mention in PART 1 and 2 of this series which helps you to
increase number of comments by more people on your article(s).
21: Response to Comments:
Some of bloggers especially when they getting huge traffic
and more comments no their blog, it make them little hard to give reply to each
and every feedback. So finally they stop giving answers, which is very wrong,
and gives a bad impact to commentators. Imagine how bad you feel when you ask
question to someone and he didn’t give you a reply? After asking maximum of 3
to 4 times you will surely stop asking question from him. The same condition
also applies in blogging. When you will not give reply to comments on your blog
posts, then after some time people stop posting comments. Which also give very
bad affect on your site traffic and also SEO. So, always give reply on each and
every comment. Because there are a lot of benefits of it. For example, first of
all it will prove that after getting success in term of blogging, popularity and
earning money from your blog you not become HighBrow. Second your reply
will encourage visitors top ask more questions from you. And the other are that
it helps to alive your blog and comments section, doubles number of comments
and cause to increase in content.
22: Make Mistakes:
Majority of people and visitors of blog loves to point out
mistakes and errors which are made/done by you. So, not in all posts leave
mistake and make sure that these will be simple or minor in size. For example
spell errors in subheading, in form of insufficient information, little error
in CSS or HTML codes, etc. this trick is limited in term of use so, its cant
help you to get more comments on your blog posts as by other tips, but there is
no doubt in its usefulness.
23: Do Spamming:
This way is unethical but it works in form of increase in
traffic/visitors, gets more backlinks and as a result in chances of increase in
comments and it is also good in aspect of SEO. So, what you have to do is to go
and do spamming by spreading, posting and sharing your blog/posts links on
related niche social sharing websites, blogging groups, fan pages,
blogs/websites, forums, etc. in form of comments, signatures ad posts. You can
give a positive look to your spam (comments) by giving some valuable
information or related content with your link.
24: Share Stories:
Sharing of stories of success, falls and problems and
recoveries either is your or of any other blogger can create a friendly
environment in your blog and helps to get more comments.
25: Fake Groups:
Before 7-8 days ago even I’m also unaware about this tip.
But accidently on during searching of blogging groups similar to
my blog niche, I found one group in which almost hundred blog owners having
blogs of up to PR6 are registered. And the purpose of that group which I observe
when reading there About page is “Give me Favor and I Will to You”, means they
are like traders. These types of groups are almost hidden and very hard to
find. And majority of them have few members and new memberships are closed.
Because of this, so I am sorry to you that I haven’t enough information about
these Fake groups that they work and what are their rules. But I count this
method of increasing comments on blog posts in category of unethical and shameful.
26: Series Articles:
If you so many main points or tips or steps and one major
topic, then try to publish that post in multiple parts, For example Part 1, 2,3….
as same as I did with that article9if you missed precious parts having more
precious tips like these, then visit them links are given in end of post). The
benefit which your blog get is in sense of help to build regular visitors list,
increase traffic, and SERP ranking increase because of lots of article on same topic
(niche), etc.
27: Give Respect:
I’m sure that you all have heard Give Respect & Get
Respect quote. Same thing is apply here. So, always give replies to commentators
with full of appreciation and respect that he feels very good and want to give
more feedbacks and come back again and again to check your reply.
28: Interviews:
This is one of the trends which are recently adopted by some
of bloggers. What they did, they simply they contact face to face or send
emails to Famous or Pro Bloggers (sometimes they may be their friends) and with
some questions, and then published them on their blog in form of Interview. This
is one of the easiest way of creating a popular post (:D), and getting comments
from Celebrity Blogger community and from your followers too, because majority
of beginners want to know about Gurus that what are reasons behind their success, activities,
history, etc.
29: Polls:
Time to time insert some polls in your post, because
normally it is observed that the participation rate of peoples is much higher when
using polls inside blog posts. And votes on your polls also help you to check how
much effective your blog is?
30: Future Plans:
Occasionally share your future plans and news with your
visitors. Like, Soon we are introducing a Tool for Building Backlinks, etc. But
one thing you must have to take care of it, if you have any great Idea then better
is that not share it publicly because there are a lot of COPYCATERs around you,
who are in just wait to theft your ideas.
Now, the all 30 tips which help you to get or increase more
comments on your blog posts I shared here, if you missed previous parts of this
series then read them at Part-1 and Part-2. Hopefully you enjoyed this series.
In last I want to say that comments are not only the source
of measuring success of your blog. So, if you are getting good traffic
especially from search engines and your blog making affiliate sales and getting
advertisers and giving a handsome income successfully then don’t much worry because
of fewer comments. But my suggestion is
that if you found anything interesting, then don’t hesitate in thinking that
you are more popular than him just give him appreciation and it took only your
hardly 2 minutes. And if you want to share some more tricks which I missed in
30 tips bundle then kindly share with us and become a part of Pro Bloggers Tricks
community. Wish you all the Best Buddies. J
Thanks for your all set of ideas we will try to do them and experience how it can change our number of comments......, I hope it would be......!
ReplyDeleteBlog comments can make your blog seem more popular and lively to visitors. Thus, you must always have fresh, interesting and unique content so that you can build trust on your readers, grow website popularity and later on get sales.