Saturday, 16 June 2012

10 Things which Kills Your Blogging Career by Wasting Time

10 Things which Kills Your Blogging Carrier by Wasting TimeAs a blogger we all know that managing time is one of the hardest thing and mostly of us failed in using it efficiently. We try our best to overcome this problem and to make blog more productive. So to grip your time as an expert you need to know and identify what things are playing major role in wasting of time. I create a list of 10 major things which I think that kills your blog and passion and also destroy your aim of achieving your goals.

1. Television:

It is the most common thing, and almost everybody has reach to it. The average length of any program is 60 minutes. So, if once you stuck in watching it, you can easily take rough estimate that how much important time it sucks and also divert your thinking. So kicking off TV is essential for a successful blogging. But if your blog content source is TV programs then you can give just necessary time to watching only specific shows.

2. Experience and Knowledge:

It is very hard to maintain post frequency with valuable content if you have lack of information. This is mostly happens when we choose keywords because of their high cost and popularity or either such field which we have no experience. For example somebody jump in HTML or CSS scripts after inspiring from any expert and start making post, but it is not his field and he haven’t complete any  course in this regard, so after posting few post it becomes very difficult to keep stable the posting frequency and in last they quit blogging. The simple solution of this problem is that not go for high pay keywords just pickup a topic in which you have enough knowledge with interest and then start posting this will save your time.

3. Facebook:

I think it is one of the most attractive, addictive, time waster and less beneficial site. If you thinking for taking your blog as a profession then just it for the publicity purpose by creating fan page and group, otherwise close your account.

4. Stats and Earning:

Frequency of checking stats like pageviews on post, traffic source and also stats of earning will decide about your blogging success. The more frequency means the more chances of dull future. There are so many reasons behind it, which I will soon share with you in another separate post. But I recommend you to checking your blog stats once in a day is enough.

5. Technology:

For successful blogging you must have reach to technology gadgets. Here the word Technology I use it doesn’t means go for latest one technology, just grab such stuff which works well and fulfills your requirements. For example if there are energy crisis is your area, then for utilize load shedding time you must have cell phone or smart phone by which you can at least complete your post by typing and maintain post frequency. There are so many varieties available in market with reasonable prices, so grab them according to your budget not go for a expensive device like tablet, Samsung galaxy s3, etc. And also make sure that all of the basic devices like mouse, keyboards, CPU, Printer, etc everything which belongs to blogging must in well working condition, otherwise you must have to arrange some alternates to save your time.

6. Decision Skills:

It is very important that you must have a skill of taking decisions quickly. There are a lot of peoples which took so much time in just answering in YES or NO, or in selection of anything, like if they are in market to purchase a laptop, and wasting in time just on a color selection or brand name.

7. Laziness:

Laziness is the origin of all evils. It not only destroys your blog health it too destroy your ones and kills all charms of life. The only way to avoid is to take part in physical activities an include some entertainment in life.

8. Break:

Bloggers are also human as all others. So it is very difficult to site in front of screen on butts without any body movement for up to 7-8 hours. Brain also heat up and lose its efficiency of working after using it as a machine and need some appropriate rest. So always add some breaks while you are blogging which acts as a charger and makes you more productive.

9. Limits:

Surfing on internet for getting information on a topic on which you want to write a post for your blog is good but should make your limits. Means don’t go to read each and every post and website. Once you start feeling you got enough information for writing a post, stop surfing. It saves your time and helps you to focus on only the required topic; otherwise you may be diverted to any other topic by those sites.

10. Fan and Friends:

The last one thing in my list which waste your time is your Fans and Friends. They are sign of your success and blog popularity. But they are unable to understand the values of time, because majority of them are beginners and are in state of progress of their blogging journey. They want to talk with you and share some problems with your which you must have to give answers, because your NO will dishearten them, but chatting with fans and giving answer to each and everyone will suck your time. So to overcome this problem you need to set your times, for example set your status OFFLINE when you are working on a blog and you can also post your notice in Contact page that the contact timing by chatting and call is from 9:00Am to 11:00Am,etc. And keep one thing always in mind that your fans are most respectable for you because they also give respect to you and they helps to make you a popular and celebrity in your field. So always give them your support as much as possible.

In last, as usual, tells us how much or which one you like most or what point you are disagreeing in this post. And also share some points with us which you thing will destroy our precious time of blogging. Thanks for reading.


  1. nice tips, thanks
    in my case I had to waste my whole day in phone calls with old friends, and that's what I had to give up for blogging =p

  2. @preetam: Pal don't waste your time...its free of cost..but so much precious...So try to utilize time some beneficial activites..and Thanks for liking tips..

  3. Thanks for sharing these information. I think you are forgetting one thing with which people waste their time and it is Games (facebook and online). People are playing games and wasting their valuable time where they could be doing productive things!

    By the way, Awesome post!

  4. @mauritian: yes u is one of the biggest time wasters and thanks for submitting your point as No.11 :D and for this great contribution.

  5. Nice tips Brother , Thanks

  6. Wonderful advice. I really need this. I'm just new to blogging and still learning more about it.
