Friday, 1 June 2012

3 Best tips to see 3-4 Digits Earning in Adsense Account Instead of Zero

Always seeing zero amount in Google Adsense account whenever you login I think is one of the biggest perplexed and confusion for publishers and many times people raise this question and asking what was the reason behind it? There will be many reasons of not making even cents from such a platform from where Some of Pro Bloggers and Publishers are making thousands of dollars. So what thing helps them to earn thousands of dollars from Adsense in a day or week, it is clicks. Yes the more you got clicks the more you got revenue. Means the game of earning is revolving around clicks. So how Pro publishers got so many clicks on their ads? There are some tips and tricks which they simply follow which are get listed down below and I call these as 3 killer Steps to make 3-4 digits revenue.

Step 1: Set the Whole Things Up: Think Bigger

increase Google Adsense earning pro bloggersAs we all know that traffic is the measure thing to earn money from your blog, but we also seeing that some of people have 1000’s of daily visitors but not able to make descent bucks from it. The answer is that they are not getting good number of clicks on their ads, and the reason which kills their number of clicks is their wrong approach. Yes, the term wrong approach I use their because majority of people when got approval of their Google Adsense account make them excited, and then they get lost in the world of Imagination, that now what all I have to do is to just grab my ad code and place it in my blog and then I will start earning a handsome income of 3-4 digits. But after the placement of ads in a blog/website they start waiting and just waiting for getting clicks by visitors, but they almost got no clicks. The main reason of this failure is that they do above steps wrongly, keep in mind that I am not saying that they think anything wrong; I was saying they just need to know more little more about using ads.

Yes now you got my point, using ads on website anywhere is not the solution of earning, you must need to understand your visitors, what thing they like? At what place their first sight falls on which part of your blog, at what location or part where your visitors spend more time and what places are ignored by them. You can track and monitor visitors and all these things by using programs like Google Analytics (which is free and more reliable) and you can also use heat maps of your blog/website for this purpose.

Now after monitoring move towards your Adsense account, grab your ad code of that unit which you think is more easily blend (mixed) with your website. Change its color (if it is Text Ad unit) and keep your fonts size, color, style and border with matching of your blog. And I will suggest you to use Text ad units (either rectangle or banner) inside your post which should be completely blend with surrounding and give a priority to use leather boards near to header.

Step 2: Interlinked and Visitors Imprisonment

Now in the 2nd step or tip after placement of Google Adsense ads in your website focus on your page views. Try to imprisonment your visitors in your website. And it is possible by interlinking. Yes by make your blog/website posts interlinked you make such a loop which your visitors must follow. This is one of the tricks of increasing number of page views. And those people who ignore or forget to interlink their blog post faces a huge loss in both page views and Adsense earning and also faces an increase in bounce rate which is also a headache for any publisher or blogger. So make sure that your all post are interlinked, this will force visitors to click more and more for getting more and more knowledge and information and in result he/she will spend more time on your blog and bounce rate decreases. The more time spend means the more chances to get clicks on ads and increase In CTR (Click through Rate).

Step 3: Testing, Testing and Split Testing

In last step check that is you receive positive change in digits of your Google Adsense earning and what is the efficiency. So to increase the effectiveness of your Adsesne ads and their placement and for checking CTR goes towards Split testing.

What is Split Testing?: It is also known as A/B testing, in which by using software to split the traffic between two or more variants of the same webpage, to monitor is there is any difference in usefulness of that page in achieving your goals.

You can check your ads placement, ad sizes and can also know what were the reasons behind of always seeing zero or small/little amount in Adsense account whenever you login and also use split testing everywhere and whenever you have a doubt that this thing will cause to cut my clicks and earnings. And keep testing until you also start get sufficient clicks which helps you to earn 3-4 digit smart and handsome money on daily basis like successful Pro Bloggers and Publishers. And i hope these tips give you answer of question how to increase Google Adsense earnings.

In last share your views about this post and the killer steps and also your precious tips and tricks that you use or experienced to get rid of zero or low earnings in comment section. And Thanks for taking Interest.


  1. Can u please tell me how to increase traffic for my site

  2. @Anonymous: To increase traffic of site..must provide quality content and focus on increase in backlinks.And our next post is on same be in touch..soon you get your answer in detail.Thanks

  3. I had a site that was getting over a 1000 veiws a month, but then got hit a little bit after the big google change. should I take my adsense off until I build it back up again?

  4. @boxer: 1000 views a month is a very little amount, and i suggest you to remove your adsense ads from your blog until your are getting atleast 500+ daily pagviews. Using ads on current stats is risky and iam sure 1000 views can only give hardly 0.5-2$ you. So first keep focusing on your content and visitors and then move towards monitizing.Thanks

  5. Thanks for the tips gonna look up more info

  6. Nice informative article,thanks for sharing!

  7. @nintendo, Pannels, Khawaja Sufian: Thanks Pals for your Linking..:D
