Tuesday, 3 July 2012

How to Insert New ADD a GADGET Widget In Blogger Blog Header

Most of the time you see that many of pro bloggers and webmasters are using Ads or Search Box in Header of their blog or website, but you are unable to do so as a BlogSpot user. The reason is that if you are using blogger default template, or in almost each template which are available on internet have no option to Add a gadget just next to blog title or in a blog Header.

The reason of using Ads or different widgets in a blogs header is because of its maximum of number of impressions. The first place in a blog where visitor give a first look when they arrive on blog makes it one of hottest or premium region. So the benefits of using Ads, social sharing buttons, Search boxes in such areas increase the chances to get more click through rate (CTR) and impressions.  You can check the hottest region of your site using Heat maps.

Steps For Inserting ADD A GADGET in Blogger Header:

To insert a new Add a Gadget at right side in header of your blog like that
how to Customize Template by Insert New ADD a GADGET in Blogger Header for Ads, search Boxes and widgets

You must have to follow these steps.

1: Login to Blogger.com
2: Go to Site dashboard
3: Template and next HTML (before start HTML editing make sure to make Backup or restore your template)
4: Now press CTRL+F and search for this code:

<b:section class='header' id='header' maxwidgets='1' showaddelement='no'>
<b:widget id='Header1' locked='true' title='My Test  Blog (Header)' type='Header'/>

5: After that grab following piece of code:

<b:section id='header-right' showaddelement='yes'/>
<div style='clear: both;'/>

And paste it after


6: So, the final code will be look like that :

<b:section class='header' id='header' maxwidgets='1' showaddelement='no'>
<b:widget id='Header1' locked='true' title='My Test  Blog (Header)' type='Header'/>
<b:section id='header-right' showaddelement='yes'/>
<div style='clear: both;'/>

7: In last just hit Save Template, and you are done.

Now go to Layout of your blogger blog and See is two gadgets are visible in header of your blog. In most of blogspot templates it is not necessary that both Add a Gadget widgets will appear in line in layout. They might be slightly up and down or overlapping each other.  Well if your are getting new section then it is welland good otherwise don't worry and just ping me I will surely try to make it possible. 

As I said above that the header section is the most valuable place in any blog. So, you place any thing in that widget which can give you a maximum conversions like social sharing buttons, search boxes, Sell this space for Advertisement, or you can also insert Adsense ads to boost your earning.


  1. @la Dolce Rosa, thanks for letting possible error. Well now I have replaced it with updated one. Kindly check it again and lemme know. thanks

  2. It's not working.... Please update this post admin so that I can apply this style on my simple blog

  3. @bracaza, seriously I'm not getting why its not working in your case. Btw I have made lil bit more changes in code. So, try it again. Otherwise email me via G+.

  4. it works just fine for me, so thank you :)
