Yesterday, it was April fool's day. I'm sure you already know about this creepy day. Well personally, I really don't show any respect for this useless day. Well, on the other side many bloggers used that day to make some solid bucks by using April Fools Day supporters; the people across the world who celebrated this event by making there loved ones Fool (#heightofidiotness), LOL.
Btw the thing that make me little laugh on April fools day was it that even Google could not stop itself to make a little fun with their Adsense publishers. Yesterday, when I did login to my Adsense account to get a look on some stats, a planet welcome me below fold. Yup, that graphical data was showing that how much I made from different planets and moons :p. Well, immediately I realize that today is 1st April 2014, and Google want to make some fun with Publishers by replacing countries with moons and planets.
Look at the following screenshot I captured from my account.
My 70% of earning on April Fools day came from Europa, probably by Aliens or may be someone used proxy, lol. Well the actual country instead of Europa was United States. I have cropped my little earning because we are bound by a policy not to public these stats.
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Well the way Google AdSense used for some fun on April Fools Day 2014 is appreciable, instead of celebrating that day like an idiot by making someones heartbeats abnormal. Kindly use comments section and let me know about your thoughts on April Fools day, Over to You!
Btw the thing that make me little laugh on April fools day was it that even Google could not stop itself to make a little fun with their Adsense publishers. Yesterday, when I did login to my Adsense account to get a look on some stats, a planet welcome me below fold. Yup, that graphical data was showing that how much I made from different planets and moons :p. Well, immediately I realize that today is 1st April 2014, and Google want to make some fun with Publishers by replacing countries with moons and planets.
Look at the following screenshot I captured from my account.
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Well the way Google AdSense used for some fun on April Fools Day 2014 is appreciable, instead of celebrating that day like an idiot by making someones heartbeats abnormal. Kindly use comments section and let me know about your thoughts on April Fools day, Over to You!
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