Wednesday, 22 August 2012

Basics ABCD to Become a Pro Blogger, Webamster, SEO and Online Earner

Welcome Bloggers, Webmasters, Search Engine Optimizers (SEO), Online Earners, etc. Today I arranged a class for you mates to give some basics of your field in ABCD.

So, let’s take a start. According to Ethnologue currently there are approximately 6,912 living languages. We use languages as a medium to communicate in better way. And that’s the only reason that we only prefer to learn more languages in order to use the best source to communicate to convey our messages. And for this purpose we make or invent some more words and use them as basic and you must need to know them otherwise you will not get an improved results or left alone. Each business/field have their own system, For example if you are working in industry then there are some specific words which represents a full function instead of telling a complete sentence or on any specific station then they have they have their own basics and its necessary for a worker to know about it and be master in it to work successfully.

So, in a similar way there are also some words which must you need to know in order to be prove yourself as a PRO in field of either blogging, SEO means in online field.

  1. A = Article, Algorithm, Advertisement, Analytics
  2. B = Backlink, Book mark, Branding
  3. C = Cache, CMS (Content Management System, Content
  4. D = Directory, Design
  5. E = E-mail, Errors, Earning
  6. F = Facebook, Friends
  7. G = Google, Guest Posts
  8. H = HTML
  9. I = Image optimization, Index Page
  10. J = JavaScript
  11. K = Keywords
  12. L = Link Building
  13. M = Module, Meta Tag, Monetization
  14. N = Node, No Follow, Networking
  15. O = On/Off Page SEO
  16. P = Page Rank, Plug-ins
  17. Q = Query, Quality Control
  18. R = Robots.txt, Ranking, Readers
  19. S = Search Engine
  20. T = Tools, Tags, Themes
  21. U = URL's 9Universal Resource Locator, User Friendly
  22. V = Video Optimization. Viral Marketing
  23. W = Who Is, Writing
  24. X = X-Cart SEO
  25. Y = Yahoo
  26. Z = Z-index

Basics ABCD to Become a Pro Blogger, Webamster, SEO and Online Earner
In the Basics List for bloggers, webmaster and online earners I only share the names or terminologies. This list sometime give lil funny look but I bet you these are keys and if you are good in these then your hatters can’t stop you to achieve successful and to get your goals. If you like this little effort then kindly share this post with your friends. And in upcoming posts I will try my best to share all these terminologies in detail step by step, till then Peace & Blessings. :D

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