Before gonna start to tell you how to increase
CPC, I’m considering that you are already aware from CPC and the Factors affecting it. If not I will recommend you to should read it first. As we know
that how much CPC is important for publishers. By doing bit hard work on it any body can multiply his earnings without any need to hire any SEO expert, to add more content, to increase
traffic, etc. The possible disadvantage of getting extremely low CPC in AdSense is
that it can disable AdSense account because low CPC proves that your website/blog is not a favorable place for Advertisers.
1: Keywords
CPC is mainly depends on keywords. The most competitive,
unique and short keywords usually have high pay. Insurance and health base
keywords still in 2013 found on top of the list of AdSense highest paying keywords.
For example: Insurance Medical Temporary has worth of 29.1 USD, cheap life
insurance has cost of 17 USD per click, etc.
AdSense will show ads on your blog posts on behalf of
visitor search history and on your blog posts keywords. As you don’t have any
control on visitors search history so, to increase CPC try to write post with
good spread of high paying keywords after careful research on Adwords keyword tool, with strong useful content.
Must Read: How To Place Two Adsense Ads Side By Side (Also get know is it against TOS?)
Must Read: How To Place Two Adsense Ads Side By Side (Also get know is it against TOS?)
2: Country
Advertisers usually pay more for click from developed
countries. There could be many reasons like mostly European visitors usually
pay and do more online shopping instead of Asians likely India, Pakistan,
Srilanka, etc. So always try to capture traffic from USA, UK, Canada, Australia,
Germany, etc.
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3: Ad Size, Format and Position
Well Ad size, format and position are three different things
and all of them have tendency to affect the value of click. It is myth that
cost per click will increase with increase in size. It is right up to some
extent but usually the extra-large size advertisements are not much effective. The
recommended size for good ctr and cpc is 728*90 (Leaderboards)
instead of banners and, 300*250 (medium rectangle) instead of large or small
squares. Ads in above fold likely in head, sidebar top, above or below post
title give high CPC. But keep in mind that never put ads under misleading titles, graphics, etc. By doing experiments in changing ad, sizes and position
you can yourself discover optimum parameters for your blog.
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Data given on this page is pretty good,but i think things can be made even simple and cpc of adsense can be increased very quickly if we focus on the basics of the adsense placement.Like we should keep in mind that adsense size and type,content on the blog,it should not be copied one,try to maintain the balance between do follow and no follow links,and try to spread the adsense all around on the front page of ur blog,insert the adsense in between the content so as to increase the number of clicks on adsenseuse.Learn more about SEO, Social Media, Branding, PPC, Web Design, Web Development, Mobile Apps etc...(