Thursday 29 August 2013

Join the Google AdSense Publisher Panel is Fake?

Since from a week or more few of AdSense publishers from all over the world are getting emails in their inbox entitled Join the Google AdSense Publisher Panel. The email body is;

Dear publisher, 
As a valued member of the Google AdSense program we'd like to invite you to join a new and exciting community specifically for Google AdSense publishers. 
We've created a community called "AdSense Publisher Panel," Where You'll Be Able to take part in regular surveys and group discussions. As part of the community you'll have an open dialogue with key decision makers at Google AdSense as well as other publishers - giving you the chance to help shape the future of Google products and product features. Furthermore, each time you participate different community activities, you'll Also Have the Opportunity to win additional prizes! 
To join our exciting new community, you simply Need to click on the button Below and complete our survey profiles, Which SHOULD take no more than 10 minutes to complete. 
[Join now] 
We look forward to hearing from you soon, 
Sahar & Katie 
The Google AdSense Team

adsense publisher panel scam

After reading email at first glance the Publisher (receiver) feel pride on himself that he has been chosen by AdSense among thousands of publishers. As the email seems quite legit so publisher usually don't hesitate to click on Join Now button for signup. Which redirects the user to domain Till now everything seems to be legit but actually its not, until you complete the signup process and fill out the survey.

Why It Seems Scam To Me?

1. Once signup process is completed by user he get to know that there is no space left for him with note as; 

Thank you for your interest in joining our panel today. We very much appreciate your time. Unfortunately, either our panel is now full or the group for which you qualify has now been filled.
Thank you for your interest in participating in this survey. 
Unfortunately this survey is now closed for respondents matching your characteristics.

2. Google uses the similar login page /form for all product but, in this case its not.

3. Generally Google AdSense knows your name so, whenever they have to send you some invitations or emails to particular publishers not to all they prefer to mention Pub-Id in email header.

4. AdSense only use Gogole hosted email addresses to send emails. For example;,, etc.

5. Non of the page links (contest rules, privacy policy, terms and conditions) appears on website footer are not working.

6. Google Chrome showing me notification as icon along url in browser that this page has insecured content.

7. The domain is registered on 25th july 2013 with an expiration date just after an year. Google never start any project immediately. Each of Google's product comes for public after months or years of homework.

8. The whois data  is totally unmatched with info (Registrar, Domain servers, Contact information, etc.) used by Google in all domains (Google, AdSense, Adwords,, etc.)

9. Till now non of announcement was made my Google officially on any of their blog.

Now the decision is up to you whether to join it or not. For me this AdSense Publisher Panel is nothing more than a smartest example of phishing to get access to  users online property.

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