Friday, 22 November 2013

How To Get Favicon From Any Website

A few hours ago when I was designing blogger template suddenly an idea jumped in my mind to get the favicon of any website. I quickly gave a try to it and its worked smooth. However its not the rocket science  so no need to be much curious about it :P. Interestingly when I Googled this I find similar tricks by some geeks but those were not fast and easy as mine. So, possibly you might already aware of tricks to get the favicon of any website.

Well I'm supposing that you already aware of the term Favicon. If not so, then simply Favicon is a quite small size image or sometimes a logo mainly used for branding purpose or as an identity of the website and can easily be found in browser's tab / URL section on top just next to webpage title or link.

To grab web icon simply you just need to write 'favicon.ico' just after the website link in browser's url section after placing '/'. No extra time wasting hard work or need to use funny plugins and tricks as already available on couple of blogs that suggest to dig into webpage source to hunt tags and attributes, which even did not work for each website. So, the best practice is that paste the mentioned above dozen of characters right after the url. 

For example

By doing this only the favicon image will open in window and you can save or download it too in computer via save image as...

Well I tested this method to get the favicons of around more than dozen of random websites and interestingly it worked fine. But, in case if it didn't work for any website, than obviously forcefully you need to delve the source code to hunt favicon image as shared by internet gurus. Have fun :)

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