Saturday, 30 November 2013

How To Customize Blogger Blog Posts Permalinks / URLs

This is an another simple and a quite Useful post to customize and create the SEO friendly permalinks of blog posts, and a hack to change the URLs of already published blog posts in blogger.

If we scratch a history then we will find that on 27th of June 2012 first time Blogger allowed its users to customize blog post URL's. Before that there was no such concept or an option available for bloggers to optimize URL's in order to make them search engine friendly.

seo friendly urls

Yup you read true, above. The search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc. always give much importance to URL's with embedded keywords relevant to the blog post rather than permalinks with irrelevant numbers, symbols, and words.

Hmm... Shall I go and Fill my Permalinks With Keywords?

LOL hold up, wait a minute dude. Before then that don't forget to check tips, limits, Do's and Don'ts you must know before setting up seo friendly links for blog posts in blogger.

How To Create SEO Friendly URLs

In Blogger the blog post's URL structure based on 6 elements;

  1. HyperText Transfer Protocol (http)
  2. Domain Name (ex: Bloggeristan)
  3. Top Level Domain (ex: com, org, etc.)
  4. Path (ex: year/month, year/month/day, category, etc.)
  5. File name (create-seo-urls)
  6. File extension (.html)

In Blogger's blog post URL you have control only over on file name to apply your best SEO practices. In comparison to WordPress blogs link structure the numerical Path in Blogger URL is already disturbing the keywords strength. So, the best practice is that in permalink fill up File name with solid keywords that describes best, and relevant to your content. But, it does not means that you should go stuffing dozen of keywords into the URL. Too many words in URL will surely affect keywords density and, because of its big length the users and Google may take it as spamming and keyword stuffing and will not give it much importance. So, the best practice is to keep your URL length around three to five words with in file name for optimum results.

The second thing which you should take care is the use of dashes (-), underscores (_), and dots (.). These all symbols  have potential to impact search engine rankings. The best practice is that only use dashes in file names because Google read dashes as space or word separator. For example if you have a permalink like /create-seo-friendly-urls then Google will read it as /Create seo friendly urls and will index each word separately. On the other hand avoid underscores because Google read underscores as symbol to join words and make them one term and will index it as one word. For example the url /customize_blog_post_permalinks will become /customizeblogpostpermalinks in the eyes of Google.

Well there is no restriction on the use of dot in file name. Feel free to use dot whenever and wherever you want, its common. Check example:

In short you must need to consider following points to create a SEO freindly urls in Blogger;

  • The url (file name) should not be longer than five keywords.
  • The keywords should be meaningful relevant to content.
  • Use dashes (-) to separate keywords instead of underscores (_).
  • Do not repeat keywords even avoid to use synonyms.

Limit: Symbols other than dashes, underscores and dots are not allowed to use in blogger blog posts permalinks. Some of the invalid characters for blogger custom permalinks are ~, `, !, @, #, $, %, ^, &, *, (), +, =, ", <>, /, ;, {}, [], etc.

How To Change Permalinks In Blogger Of Already Published Posts

No need make such ugly faces anymore because by use of tricks shared below you can easily change the funny and badly search engine optimized automatically generated permalinks of previous blog posts.

First of all go to blogger blog > Posts > Published Posts > Mark check on box appears on left side of the already published post you wish to customize its url. 

Now go to Drafts section and click on edit button appears below desired post. Now from post editor click on Permalink from right sidebar > select custom permalink and create a new seo friendly url for your blog post. After that hit on Done and then on Publish button.

There are few must to do things and recommendations after and before URL customization of already published blog posts. Avoid to change permalink of already published blog posts if the post is already doing good in serp. Second, don't forget to set new custom redirect for new post URL. In last fetch / ping will also help you to index your blog post url instantly in search engines.

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