Wednesday, 4 December 2013

How To Ping Backlinks To Google Fast Index

How to ping backlinks or is it necessary to ping backlinks after creating them? are the questions that mostly comes in mind of inexperienced folks when practicing link building. The problem usually come when via backlink checkers the person didn't able to see backlinks of a website created a while ago.

seo link building

Alexa Pro, Google Analytics and Google Webmaster Tools, Ahrefs are one of the most popular and effective source websites to check backlinks of websites. These website usually take time to refresh Backlinks list, even sometime more than couple of weeks after your link get indexed by search engines.
The backlink get indexed when search engines crawls the page used by you to get link back either via comments or from post or from somewhere else. The only thing you go can do to speedup the process to index backlinks quickly is to send signals to Search engines to crawl the source page as it's content has been updated.

There are bunch of best free ping sites are available, you can find them easily via search. Use anchor text as keyword and put URL of source page in URL's section.

Tip: Make search for mass ping or bulk ping websites to ping a huge list of backlinks at once in no time.

Use them, otherwise this job can also be done easily by social bookmarking sites. Just make signups on Digg, Diigo, Stumbleupon, etc. and then submit or save your source page links as bookmarks.

Should I Ping My Backlinks?

Actually it depends on the amount of backlinks and requirement. Personally I do not ping backlinks and even not recommend others to do so but, sometime this has to do on client's demand. The reason why I do not recommend to ping backlinks is that sometime inexperienced people create so many backlinks with in hours. Sending pings to index them instantly can be equivalent to push you in troubles especially in presence of new Google updates like Google Penguin. So, the best practice is that leave the backlinks and let them discovered by search engines alternately, slowly and naturally.

Keep in mind that every backlink checker tool has their own advantages, disadvantages, and limits. So, non of them has capability to find all backlinks of any site even not Google services. Btw, once your backlink pinged and get indexed and in case not detected as artificial / spam by Google then with each backlink your webpage will get more link juice, more authority and finally it will appear on top in search results and this will bring more traffic and money to you.

Edit 1:
On getting some queries via comments and contact page, I decided to disclose My Secret to Index backlinks amazingly fast. Keep in mind a quality backlink does not need a ping to get index. What I do to make sure Google find them easily, is I give them (other web pages on which my site backlinks are stayed) a link back from my regular blogs by creating a new hidden (for visitors not for bots) post with related content. Do not worry, if you do this properly your site will never get a penalty or lose ranking. In case you are scared of doing this then there is a free alternate for you, little slow but still quite effective. Alternate way is, make a new blog with relevant title, put spun content (but should be readable), give backlinks to your backlink's source web pages straight from your blogspot homepage. And then, Boom.. For sure in a day or three your blogspot blog will get crawled (obviously with out going links, too) and indexed by Google. You can make this process bit more fast by submitting a sitemap and fetching url from webmaster tools.

The above mentioned trick is absolutely Free, and best if you are in manual link building (I prefer it) or for small list of backlinks. Manual link building is usually little expensive but, it is safer and worth to use money. For SEO professionals and users of auto link building tools (like GSA SER, Senuke XCR, ScrapeBox, etc.), those have huge list of backlinks, it is recommended to use any quality services like Linklicious, Backlinks Indexer, One Hour Indexing, Indexification, etc. to increase the overall percentage and probability of your backlinks to get found and indexed fast by Google and other search engines. Over to You :)


  1. I'm with you half way on the pinging links. Google admittedly knows about 5% of the web or less, so if you're building links assuming Google will find them, you're probably going to be disappointed. (Unless they're high quality links)

    What we tell our clients is to use a pinging or indexing service so you know your links are counted, BUT build less links so you stay out of the sandbox. And with the Penguin/Panda updates, getting the anchors balanced right is also a challenge.

    SEO isn't for the casual person any more. :)

  2. With my links ping dsn't work, better is self index system with sites with traffic and rss readers
    web profiles are good too eg. DIGG

  3. Thanks for info best seo tip, very nice

  4. Thanks for guide! I usually use bulk services if BL count is 50 or less, otherwise i let engines to discover it naturally :)

  5. how we can ping other sites where we have created the backlinks ?

  6. @Jas Kaur: I have updated the article above and disclosed my secret I used to ensure my backlinks get indexed. I hope that will answer your question.. :)

  7. thank you. Now I know what to do so that my backlinks indexed quickly. By creating multiple blogspot and contain content that is relevant and leads into my backlinks then my blogspot eases in the crawl by google to sumbit to Google webmaster tools

  8. You secret methods looks impressive. Thanks for revealing it. I hope this will work for me.

  9. shared on social media, search the forum, high PR blog post and link link, thanks for the good article

  10. I been using the methods you discussed for indexing my backlinks and notice very big difference.

  11. same with usually i do, not ping the backlink

  12. thanks for sharing such informative post. But i want to know is it possible to ping Google for backlinks without effecting our site

  13. This site is very helpful for all seo workers.

  14. I like your secret method ping backlinks index, support U...! Thanks...!!!

  15. Really Nice Information.... It's Help me alot

  16. Usually I post a high PR article pointing my new page that I want to index quickly and natural. Soon as the post approved and indexed by Google I do search that page on Google and click on my link. That works like a charm! :)

  17. hi my name is praven varma this blog is jobs posting blog site which provides latest jobs updates. I am struggling to traffic to my by blog and give me suggestion to get traffic and adsence earning

  18. Good Post i like it much.Becoz it's Unique one Thanks bro Syed

  19. Thanks Syed Shah for describing such important matter. Ping plays important role in building backlinks. You article added new vista of knowledge to my previous about building backlinks by ping sites.

  20. From last two months my backing hasn't been indexing. I really worried for that but thanks to you that you have share a wonderful post. This is really great and exactly what I needed. It helps me lot. Thanks for sharing…

  21. thanks for sharing i will follow it.

  22. This method really works. But I want to know does it come under whitehat technique or blackhat technique? Will Google penalize us if we follow this technique?

  23. Thanks for sharing this .. Hope it will help me for my newly website !!
