In this post you will learn how to noindex blog post in blogger or make any static page no-index in blogger by two different ways by robots.txt file or either by blogger custom robots.txt settings. And how to deindex already indexed page from Google search after applying noindex.
Usually everyone wants to see his/er post in Google search results pages and especially on top positions and, the people who are professional and know how to rank posts in SERP has much demand in market. But sometimes people don't want to make posts available in search results. There could be many reasons for doing so, it may be either because;
- Work is in progress on whole website or either on any specific page / post: and owner don't want to make it available for people until its get updated.
- Avoid plagiarism issue: for example website owner has a disclaimer page on web generated for visitors but he/she don't want to make it indexable by Google and want to avoid panda hit or any duplicate issue because it was created by any online disclaimer page generator.
- That page / specific blog post contains some private content like downloadable material and you want to make it accessible only for your subscribers not for all general public.
Now if you are stuck in issues as mentioned above or something similar like them then, the best way to tackle it or make your web page unfoundable in search results is via robots tags.
Steps To Make Post NoIndex In Blogger
There are two common or you can say most effective ways by which you can send orders to search engines robots of any search engine to do not index that specific post.1. Make Post No-Index Via Robots.txt file
Robots.txt is a simple file something similar like notepad which caries restrictions and instructions for bots of various search engines like which bot is allowed (like only Google bots not bing bots) to crawl your web page(s) and what content is indexable and not, etc. You can read ► What is Robots.txt File to find out more about robots.txt file in detail.Recommended: How To Make Image Unclickable In Blogger and SEO Advantages
To restrict bots of all search engines not to index your any specific post or page, you need to first make sign in blogger account and then from site dashboard left sidebar select search preferences from Blogger settings. After that from Crawlers and Indexing section mark check on Yes radio button and make custom robots.txt enable for content. Now copy your website's default robots.txt file from (replace with your domain). And then paste (ctrl+v) all text in custom robots.txt content box. After that add this piece "Disallow: /2014/02/noindex-post-link.html" right in the next line after "Disallow: /search". In last, click on save changes button. Look at following before and after Bloggeristan's robots.txt file example,
User-agent: Mediapartners-GoogleAfter
User-agent: *
Disallow: /search
Allow: /
User-agent: Mediapartners-GoogleYou can make confirmation of successfull adding custome robots.txt file in your blogger blog by visiting
User-agent: *
Disallow: /search
Disallow: /2014/02/noindex-post-link.html
Allow: /
For immediate results fetch your robots.txt url ( from Google webmaster tools.
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2. Make Post NoIndex Via Custom Robots Tags
There is another awesome way to make any post noindex straight from its editor section. For that you need to enable custom header tags in blogger. So, go to site dashboard > Search preferences > Crawlers and Indexing > After clicking on Edit link make custom header tags enable by placing check on Yes radio option. After that mark check on noindex under archive and search pages section first line and, hit save changes button.After that go the specific post and from right sidebar > Click on Custom Robots Tags option (the last one) > Remove check from default, all and for noodp and then, mark check on noindex > Click on Done button. Finally save or publish post to apply changes.
In last fetch this post via webmaster tools to tell Google post has been updated.
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Now you have successfully noindex your blog post or blogger static page noindex by any of above method. And after doing that Google or any other search engines bots will not index your post will show in their search results. But in case your post was already indexed in serp and now you want to remove that too from serp. Then you have to follow ► this post ◄ in which I have told exactly how I deindexed or you can take down your blog or blog post from Google search in less than five hours.
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